African Flower Beetle

Mecynorrhina oberthuri

Detailed illustration of an African flower beetle - an orange, black and white scarab beetle
Size:60mm (female), 85mm (male)
Diet:Leaf litter & rotting wood (larvae), tree sap & fruit (adults)

Like many flower beetles (and many beetles, in fact) male M.oberthuri have a prominent horn for fighting whereas females have a blunt shovel-like head for burrowing.

I really enjoyed drawing this magnificent beetle. Similar to the goliath, it’s fun to bring out the scratches and marks on its exoskeleton, and it’s a great challenge bringing out the different textures – especially using some semi-transparent white highlights to illustrate the shiny finish of its legs (see below).

Take a closer look…

Close up showing the detial of the beetle's leg, head and thorax
Close up showing the detail of the beetle's orange elytra