Sawtooth Plant Hopper

Cathedra serrata

Illustration of a planthopper with wings spread and a long 'proboscis covered in spines
Distribution:Ecuador and Suriname
Size:76mm wingspan
Diet:Plant sap

Like many of the insects I’ve drawn, this Sawtooth Plant Hopper is pretty well camouflaged when resting on a tree but, when threatened, will immediately spread its wings to reveal much less subdued colouration. This display startles would-be attackers, giving the planthopper an opportunity to flee. For similar reasons, I always make sure I’m wearing bright red pants when I leave the house.

It’s not listed in my Esty shop just yet, but will be soon.

Take a closer look…

Close-up showing the plant hopper's mottled brown and green thorax
Close-up showing the plant hopper's veined black lower wing