Checkered Bee Beetle

Trichodes alvearius

Drawing of an extremely furry blue and orange beetle
Distribution: Southern Europe & North Africa
Diet:Pollen & small invertebrates (adults),
bee & wasp grubs (larvae)

Adult checkered bee beetles lay their eggs close to hymenopteran nests or hives (hence the name “alvearius” – the bee-hive beetle), munching on the various stages of their wasp and bee victims.

I wasn’t able to get hold of a specimen of this beautiful beetle to draw from, but luckily I was able to use a stunning photo which the talented macro photographer Thorben Danke shared with me. It’s well worth visiting his website, which is brimming with incredibly detailed and vibrant macro photos of a plethora of insects.

It’s not listed in my Esty shop just yet, but will be soon.

Take a closer look…

Close-up showing part of the beetle's furry thorax and front leg
Close-up showing the beetle's pitted orange and blue abdomen