Tosena albata

Distribution: | Southeast Asia |
Size: | 130mm wingspan |
Diet: | Tree sap |
I can’t find out much about this species, so I’ll shed some light on the drawing process instead. All of my drawings are based on nice detailed photos of specimens, the majority of which I’ve bought from (hopefully) ethical sellers. This particular cicada is a great example of where I’ve had to refer a lot to photos of the live bugs to get a better idea of the colours, because specimens are often duller and darker. In my earlier days of drawing bugs, I didn’t think to do this extra referencing, so you’ll notice that some of my illustrations aren’t quite as vibrant or colourful as you might expect. One of the items on my giant to-do list is to review all my older drawings and update the colours as necessary, so expect some revisions in the future.
Take a closer look…